
I'm a Taiwanese American and I'm not afraid to admit it. I've spent a fair share of my life on both sides of the Pacific, so I think that I'm as qualified as any to comment on the weird ass culture of my home country. Granted, I've spent most of my adult life in the states and am a survivor of American academia, which in my estimation makes me an incredibly biased passing observer, but so is everyone to some degree right? Regardless, I've decided to throw my two cents into the money jar that is online blogging. Is the topic close to my heart? No. Am I sharing profound insights of any kind? No. But I will be sharing how I see the quirks in my own country and maybe get some feedback in the process.


The reason that my blogging adventure began is because being Taiwanese, I have a certain number of Taiwanese friends. These friends have started to slowly expose me to more Taiwanese pop culture than I normally would seek out on my own. Just to clarify, when I say "seek out", I mean run away from, and when I say "slowly expose", I mean subject me to.


There is a bunch of stuff I just don't get. Don't get me wrong, I really do spend quite a bit of time in Asia. I love Taiwanese food. I speak the language. But I seriously, for the life of me, cannot wrap my head around some of the stuff that's going on in my homeland, and we'll start with this―skinny bitches.


The Taiwanese media has way too much time and money on their hands. For an island of 23 million, there are like 150 indigenous channels and 300 variety shows. The topics of these shows vary but eventually someone will always say something about how skinny someone else is and how enviable it is to be that thin. On websites, people blog about their quests to lose weight. Dieting pills and surefire methods proliferate amongst the masses.


Now don't get me wrong. I'm young, I'm male, and by definition I have an overactive sex drive. I find women incredibly attractive creatures of almost mythical proportions. Needless to say, I enjoy my fair share of eye candy. But ladies, please, please, please realize that there is a thing as too thin and too thin is incredibly unattractive.


If you're 160 centimeters and 40 kilograms (which seems pretty normal after reading some blogs online), you look like a starving poverty stricken child in a war torn country. When I see pictures of starving children, I feel sad. I think about ways to fund foundations that save lives. I ponder about the unfairness of the world. I question humanity and the government sponsored farming subsidies of large developed nations. I do not think about sex or getting with anyone. Seriously, that's the last thing on my mind.


Other women may find that thinness attractive, but men do not, and I know I'm speaking for a large portion of men. As far as I'm concerned, worrying about your image is an offshoot of animalistic mating rituals. You can say all you want about how it's to boost your confidence or whatever, but at the end of the day, you want to look hot for the opposite sex. Bam! There I said it. Us dudes like nice healthy looking women. If you eat a healthy, nutritious diet, and exercise regularly, that's awesome, you'll look hot.


Taiwanese girls, let me let you in on a little secret. You, being Asian, are naturally on the smaller side. You already have very little in terms of feminine charm so losing when you already have very little to lose makes you curve-less. Men like curves. Curves are good because curves mean that you have a waist, ass, and breasts. Those things are the physical attributes that define you as female, so losing them makes you look like prepubescent boys. Not attractive.


A recent Harvard University study took a huge list of defining romantic literary works from cultures across the globe and found that the single most attractive trait for men throughout all of documented history is a thin waist. Not thinness, but a thin waist. That means that you have to rock enough curves to have a waist. Victoria secret models are hot, fit, curvy women, and they are seriously some of the most desirable women on the planet. So Taiwanese girls, please don't look like your starving yourself. Eat healthy, exercise, and put some meat on those bones. There'll be more tushin' for the pushin', and us males will love you all the more for it.




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